Thursday, October 20, 2016

Summaries and choice of Analysis

Summarization of “Fish Cheeks”
In the narrative piece Fish Cheeks, the Author Amy Tan wrote about an embarrassing experience she had when she was fourteen. She had a crush on an American blonde boy whose family was invited to her house for Christmas Eve. Since she was Chinese American, her traditions were different from the boy’s family. When the guests came over, all evening she was humiliated by her family’s behavior and how different their culture was. So I think Amy Tan’s main point was said by her mother when she said “You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.” ( Alexie, par.7) This means that not accepting and embracing who you are but instead being embarrassed by it is what causes you to be shameful. I think the purpose of this story was for her to share an important life lesson she had for herself and a message others can learn from.

 Summarization of “Superman and Me”    
 Sherman Alexie’s book” Superman and Me” is about his childhood experience with learning how to read. A Superman comic was the first book he taught himself to read with. This was when he was three years old living in Spokane WA. Even though financially his family went through a struggle his house was always filled with books, bought by his father. His strategy to teaching himself began with looking at pictures and interpreting what they meant in the story. Since he couldn’t completely read yet he used those to guess the words. At a young age he was teased at school for being intelligent. Reading was a passion for him and he wasn’t going to be somebody else just because he was “Indian”. I think the message that Alexie was trying to get across had to do with when he said “I was trying to save my life” (Alexie, par. 7) then when he said “I am trying to save our lives.” (Alexie, par. 8) It shows how he overcame adversity (the stereotypes) and became something that was not expected of him. He saved his life by not letting people tell him he couldn’t and he wants to save others’ lives too. Another thing I noticed is how he uses the term “Indian” throughout the article instead of Native American. To me this definitely changes his tone to bitter because it’s an offensive and derogatory term that shows how ignorant people can sound.                                                                                                                                                                                      
Choice Of Analysis                                                                   
For my Division and Analysis assignment I’m choosing to use “Fish Cheeks”. Since I enjoyed the story a lot I want to look deeper and pick apart the authors strategies. To me, Amy Tan’s tactics were very subtle and not really obvious. I also felt that I could stronger relate to this article because my family is also from a different culture so the authors thesis really moved me.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Works cited                                                                                                                                                
Tan, Amy. "Fish Cheeks." The Bedford Reader. Twelfth ed. N.P.:n.p.,nd. 110-11. Print.                     
Alexie, Sherman. "Superman and Me." The Bedford Reader. Twelfth ed. N.p.: n.p., n,d. 582-85. Print.   

I commented on Hannah's and Emma's blog post.                                                                                                                                       

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Narrative writing assignment #2

While walking into the florescent lit room I wonder if this is all worth it. I ask myself why I want  to wake up four times a week two hours before school starts. By this point I'm used to the smell of tires and disintegrating metal. But without fail each day I'm greeted by my coach with "good morning Atokena." This of course makes me give him the "leave me alone" look. My first step always is to glance at the wall to see what my workout is. I'm usually praying its not leg/cardio day. After figuring out it's Monday which means its squat day, I approach the coated in rust bench and contemplate the weight I should add. Like going through a maze, I make my way to the rack and pull off a forty five pound weight. I struggle to lift the weight onto the bar and go for another. After that battle I'm ready for my ten reps. As I get into my stance I glance at the dirt occupied wall that's supposed to be white. All I can think is "ignore the burn" while I'm finishing my last rep.

Next comes the most tedious lift, I search for the kettle bell weight that resembles a cannon ball with a handle. Ten reps of kettle bell swings and I should be quickly moving on to burpees but instead I procrastinate. My secret weapon happens to be the conversation of track since my coach is a fanatic. Until of course I realize there's no point in forcing myself out of my snug bed if I don't finish my workout. So with a huge sigh I knock-out ten burbees and move on.

Following the burbees I have lunge jumps. This to me is the most rewarding because it's a mixture of lunges and an "Exploding" jump afterwards (according to my coach). For more room I then walk out to the vacant gym floor. I count in my head "one, two, three, four, five, six..." until I reach twenty. Right after an agonizing burn shoots through my hip down my upper thigh. Of course I have to walk it off because I'm not even close to being done.

Then I plan out my two ab workouts. First I ask someone to hold my legs down on the bench while I do vertical leg crunches. After two sets of thirty I grab a bright blue foam mat, for my knees and the ab roller. Ten reps of these will have me sore for 3 days prior. Panic rushes over me because I only have 30 minutes left and that whole process was one of the four sets I need to finish. So the next the 30 minutes are a blur as I rush through the rest with no time for small talk in between.

I commented on: Kaylin Signor's and Emma Anderson's blog